Wednesday, May 23, 2007


it has been a while since i last blogged.. during the break.. i've been busy saving the world.. thats right man.. i'm your friendly neighbourhood superhero - SALESMAN.. i clean up the mess done by shopaholics.. no joke.. sometimes.. i got out-numbered by villains such as bau jou poh.. sei pat poh.. and sei fei poh.. lol.. but not all of them are that bad.. there are those that kindly ask for assistance and put back the goods at their respective places.. (by the way i work in the ladies department.. dont ask me why..)


i quited a few days ago.. now.. i'm sibeh free and got nothing to do.. ~.~ let me share with you all my valueble working experiencs.. it may be usefull to you guys some day in the future and you may thank me for it.. but no problem i love helping others.. hehe.. what i do is i stand beside a bin of clothes and fold them into square shapes before stacking them up.. but most of the time.......






















*scratch scratch*


































yeaa... 11 liao.. go home..

its not easy man.. *shakes head*