Tuesday, July 17, 2007


lol.. so cute..


Recently.. two lil furballs has been added into the family.. bought the whole set for RM55.. =D hamsters are the best pet u can ever have.. mainly because they dont poo much.. like.. cow..

they spent 50% of their time eating kuachi and some weird looking dry stuff..

and the other half of it sleeping..

wake up >.<

hamsters are nocturnal animals.. stone by day warriors by night.. so they may be abit irritating when they tend to run on the running mill thingy non stop when you're sleeping.. =.= explains why i'm forced to sleep in class.. (--.)



i dont plan to give them names.. cause its kinda weird to call them by names like James.. Harry.. Tom.. or Mary.. ~.~ or even !xobile..

they got nice ol' blankey too.. ;)

the male sleeps like a dead frog at times.. bearing he's naked furry belly..

but of course.. as a good owner i wont let them eat anything i wont eat.. so i took all the hamster food and try them 1st hand.. *shakes head* things that i do for them.. the kuachi taste okay.. just abit plain compare to the kuachi normal human eat.. as for the dried jagung.. they taste like.. dried jagung.. =.= as for the others.. they taste horrible.. uurgh..

after a few minutes i'm still alive.. so *chop* the food has been approved.. =)

btw gtg class..

Saturday, June 30, 2007


i got tagged.. from kok.. =.= this reminds me of a tag which i still owe gladys and jun yan some time ago.. i'll deal with that later on.. as for now.. here goes..

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
define demand, supply, the law of... O.o

Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
*thud*the wall got in the way..

What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Argentina vs USA

Without looking, guess what time it is.
haiz.. 10?

Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
11.08.. close enough =D

With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo (fan spinning)

When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
like 2 hours ago.. eatin chicken rice..

Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
aqua song videos in youtube.. pretty old school.. but nice.. hehe..

What are you wearing?
shirt.. pants.. and underwear.. (this is getting ridiculous... =.=)

Did you dream last night?
gahah! i din sleep last night.. i slept in the morning.. bwo huo huo.. take that u lame quiz..

When did you last laugh?
few minutes ago.. Joe was using the washing machine for the 1st time and the water went splashing out and made everything wet..

What are on the walls you are in?
time tables.. not mine.. my room mate's.. my side is clean.. =)

Seen anything weird lately?
guy who doesnt know how to use a washing machine.. *shakes head*

What do you think of this quiz?
idk.. what say u?

What is the last film you saw?

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
i'll invest my $$ into something and be a multi-kaboom-oh yeah-zillionaire-wohawoha.. GAHAHAHAHAH!!

Tell me something about you that I don’t know
i got this weird habit of rubbing my lips with my shirt.. since i was a kid..

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
i will make sure kenshimozo din died..

George Bush:
(sensitive issue..)

Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

Would you ever consider living abroad?
nah.. although my country's kinda dissapointing at times.. its still where i'm from.. i feel comfartable here..

What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
''I forgive you'' *smiles*

Tag 5 people who must also do this in THEIR journal:
just 5?! its MY blog and I got the say here..
EVERYBODY who reads this shall be tagged..
GAHAHAHA!! sucks to be you..

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Gahah! just got my streamyx this morning.. means that i dont have to put up with this stupid apartment's internet connection which is down most of the time.. ~.~v

started class 1-2 weeks ago.. its kinda cool to learn subjects which i'm new to.. econs.. accountin.. human development and so on.. other than that.. got selected to be the class rep which is sorta like a class monitor.. =.='

shit thing is.. i've over budget my allowence this month.. gahah.. bought some stuff to help me fit in this new environment.. fact is.. this place is gonna be my home for the next few years.. (.' ')

dota time~ ;D

Thursday, June 14, 2007

MMU Malacca

Haven updated my blog since i arrive malacca's.. i'm taking foundation in management in MMU.. planning to go for accounting.. rented an apartment in Ixora which cost RM200+ per month..

This is roughly how my room looks like.. my room is just next door but my room mate always sleeps early so i'm in my seniors room most of the time..

notice how joe can stay in the same position in both of the pic

Malacca's cool.. pretty similiar to selangor if you ask me.. well.. abit similiar.. i always thought its all just about A famosa.. taman buaya.. and taman rama-rama here.. but i had fun.. maybe the fact that my parents are not around so i have total freedom.. been skippin orientation to lepak with my seniors.. orientation is BBOOOORRRIINNGGG.. aslo been missing me gang back at Puchong.. can't go yam cha with u guys now T-T

hmm.. well i guess thats all to blog about.. lol.. need to wake up early tommorow.. cis..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


it has been a while since i last blogged.. during the break.. i've been busy saving the world.. thats right man.. i'm your friendly neighbourhood superhero - SALESMAN.. i clean up the mess done by shopaholics.. no joke.. sometimes.. i got out-numbered by villains such as bau jou poh.. sei pat poh.. and sei fei poh.. lol.. but not all of them are that bad.. there are those that kindly ask for assistance and put back the goods at their respective places.. (by the way i work in the ladies department.. dont ask me why..)


i quited a few days ago.. now.. i'm sibeh free and got nothing to do.. ~.~ let me share with you all my valueble working experiencs.. it may be usefull to you guys some day in the future and you may thank me for it.. but no problem i love helping others.. hehe.. what i do is i stand beside a bin of clothes and fold them into square shapes before stacking them up.. but most of the time.......






















*scratch scratch*


































yeaa... 11 liao.. go home..

its not easy man.. *shakes head*

Sunday, March 25, 2007


yesterday.. was 'and 1' day.. it was held at the entrance of summit shopping mall.. me and my team mates are suppose to meet up at the bus stop infront of ioi mall and go there via taxi.

woke up early in the morning using my handphone's alarm clock.. look at the clock.. hmm.. still early.. continue sleep.. mm.. woke up again.. wtf.. still early.. nvm.. man man lei.. mum was suppose to fetch me down to the bus stop.. so i happily brush my teeth and pack my stuff.. got time to do warm up somemore.. go down stairs..


where's mum? car is gone!! saw a piece of paper on the table.. mum said she went pasar with dad.. *bumps*.. quickly pakai kasut and chow.. ran half way to the bus stop.. BAI.. forget to bring the receipt.. (payed RM90 to enter the competition.. need to show them the receipt in order to participate..) so.. run back home to get it and then run back to the bus stop.. reach there.. sei yea.. ah wong haven come.. 'sai hei'..

taxi lou charged us RM20 for the ride.. reach there.. register.. go toilet shi shi.. lepak.. wait for the match to start.. incase you are wondering.. our team name is called.. THE PREMIER PENCIL SHARPENER.. damn yeng.. our team features:

Big Guy Ah Wong

Magic Man How Siang

and the humble little me

anyway.. 1st match.. we're up against a team called Fever O.. nervous.. but on the surface act calm.. yeng mah.. the match lasted for 10 minutes.. we faught hard.. we dribbled.. we defended.. we faked.. we shooted.. we layed up.. we slammed!!! no lah.. at the last whistle the scored board showed 4-4.. so free throws for both of the team.. and we owned them.. but when you have 1 minute of hapiness.. there comes 10 minutes of sadness.. or something like that.. after the match how siang and ah wong's bag got stolen.. we looked throughout the whole place but we just manage to find how siang's empty bag in the trash can.. curse those thieves..

2nd match.. we faught against an anonymous team.. we're no match against them at all.. lol.. they're too good for us.. i figure even if we give in our best we still couldnt stand a chance.. we sorta gave up half way through the match.. we got trashed 6-1.. so pai seh.. =.=

chit chat for a while.. go back home.. i need to do some serious training man..